Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Remote Sensing, University of Tabriz

2 Master Student of Remote Sensing, University of Tabriz


In line with the goal of rapid extraction of land use maps, remote sensing technology has been recognized as an efficient technology which provides the possibility for extraction of land use maps by presenting satellite imagery.By providing different satellite images with various temporal power, remote sensing has made the modeling and monitoring of the environmental changes possible, which is an important step in the management of natural resources.The object-oriented classification method based on knowledge-based algorithms is one of the effective methods for classification of satellite imagery which, in addition to the use of satellite imageryspectral information, provides the necessary facilities for using environmental information and physical and geometric properties of the land surface phenomena.The present researchwas conducted with the aim of evaluating the increase rate in the accuracy resulted from the application of knowledge-basedfuzzyalgorithms in the classification of land use / land cover maps.In this research, the AVNIR2 sensor images of the ALOS satellite have been used to compare the object-oriented methods of satellite imagery classification without using fuzzy algorithms and object-oriented methods based on fuzzy algorithms and the land use map for the city of Maragheh has been extracted by both of the aforementioned methods. The results of the accuracy assessment show that the land use map produced by knowledge-based fuzzy methods with a general accuracy of 93.38 is more reliable compared with the land use map produced by the object-oriented method without using fuzzy algorithms with an accuracy of 88.66%. Given the comparative nature of this research, its results have been of great importance in identifying the optimal methods for production and preparation of land use maps, and the produced maps have also a high applied value for the executive organizations (such as agricultural Jihad, natural resources, etc.).


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