Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professore of geography and urban planning, University of Zanjan

2 Ph.D condidate of geography and urban planning, University of Tehran

3 Ph.D condidate of geography and urban planning, University of Zanjan


physical growth and development of border cities with regard to defense and security structures, migration and population movements, communication and transportation infrastructure, urban management, sources of livelihood, diversity of cultural customs and…, have undergone changes and developments under the influence of internal and external communication over the years. The main objective of this research is to compare adaptively the physical development of Eastern and Western border cities of the country with a case study of Zabol and Piranshahr cities. For this purpose, ETM, TIRS, and OLI sensor images of Landsat satellites 5, 7, and 8 were selected for the period of 1986-2015 (1365-1394), and Holdren models and Shannon Entropy were used. After geo-referencing the images, Fuzzy method has been used to classify the changes of development, and the urban expansion was foreseen for the year 2030 (1409) using the combination method of Markov chains and automated cells. The results show that during the 29 years of study, the lands constructed in Zabol city has reached from 2578.10 hectares in 1986 (1365) to 3419.92 hectares in 2015 (1394), and in the city of Piranshahr from 612.10 hectares in 1986 to 1785.90 hectares in 2015. During this period, the greatest land use changes in Zabol were observed in agricultural lands with 58.76 % and the least changes were in gardens with 0.42 %. In the city of Piranshahr, however, the highest rate of land use changes were observed in agricultural lands with 67.88% and the least changes in wastelands with 2.16%. According to the entropy model, it has been shown that in the last 29 years, the physical expansion of cities has been growing sporadically and non-densely. But the rate of shapelessness has decreased in the city of Piranshahr compared to the year of 1986. Between the years of 1986 and 2015, about 85% of physical growth in Zabol city was related to population growth and 15% of the city growth was related to the horizontal and spiral growth of the city, while in the city of Piranshahr, all the city's physical growth has resulted from the population growth during the aforementioned years due to the negative gross per capita. Considering the projected population during these 15 years, it is expected that 364.4 ha in the city of Zabol and 15.94 ha in the city of Piranshahr will be added to the urban constructed lands. The adaptive comparison of the cities with regard to the population growth has led to an uneven development of the cities, which requires the guidance, growth and development of the cities with appropriate and desirable plans.


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