Document Type : Research Paper


Isfahan University


During the last decades, uneven urban growth and development and wrong urban policies have resulted in the depression of urban textures especially residential textures. This urban texture has been devastated more than ever, due to the socio-economic changes and formal and applied inconsistencies which have happened as a consequence of the development of neighboring residential spaces. Moreover, penetration of business land uses, reservoirs and industrial workplaces into the depth of these texture and its overlap with the residential area have resulted in the isolation of residential blocks. This process has gained such diverse dimensions that question civil identity and life in this urban spaces as a place for human growth and development. While, old textures can provide an appropriate and vital context for the life of citizens. Regarding the issues facing old residential textures, restructuring and renovating these textures will gain more importance. Some of the advantages of renovating old residential blocks include: reducing number of housing applicants, preserving previous urban identity, saving building materials, helping the economy and avoiding any disturbance in social communications of the residences.
The present article seeks to focus on the necessity of renovating old neighborhoods and residential blocks. Descriptive-analytic research method is used. Library and on-line references were used to collect necessary data and information. The goal of the present article is to consider issues in old and residential urban textures of Iran and to focus on the necessity of renovating and reconstructing these urban textures.


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