Document Type : Research Paper


University of Tehran


Urban development requires a rational thinking system and a philosophic-ideological thinking in the framework of schools, scientific theories, legal context, and efficient policy making for the specific time and space. In this regard, human being has always endeavored to organize all its activities like space arrangement based on ideological and belief principles. Therefore, city as the modern appearance of human civilization, and the center of sacredness, wealth and power is not an independent and self-governing phenomenon. But rather, it is a part of society structure and a conceptualized crystallization of fundamental needs of different social groups living in the city and affected by social, economic, political and ideological situations. It also represent the beliefs of people building the city. However, formation of these ideological propositions is a function of time and place in which these affective foundations are born, to the extent that investigating these views without considering its time and place context will be useless. The present article studies the backgrounds in which Chicago school was formed and reached maturity from the view point of effective factors, principles and approaches, theories and theorists of this school.


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