Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Urban planning, Malek-Ashtar University of Technolog


Methods and tools for decision making by group participation come from different sources. These sources include work on the development of geographic information systems with the aim of improving the decision support capabilities, the technology of group support systems, and theoretical and empirical studies of its application. Other sources include work on the collecting, The dynamism of logical methods, the research on the human dimensions of groupware and computer network, and GIS reviews as positivist attitudes, the constraints of opinions may lead to the expansion of the discussion and the discourse of decision-making.
The enumerated sources provide a variety of decision-making theories that can be generalized as a group-analytic approach. An analytical approach uses mathematical models for structural sections of the decision-making problem, and leaves the non-structural parts to the decision-makers’ discretion.
The group approach considers decision making as an evolutionary process, which uses discussion, argumentation, and consensus to explain a non-structured dialogue. The logic of the survey is that both approaches are necessary in a group decision support environment, and in order to effectively support group participation in decision making, analytical tools and collaboration tools must be combined and integrated. In this paper, different types of methods and tools are presented for group decision. Methods and tools for decision making through group participation result from many sources. These sources include working in order to expand GIS with the goal of improving decision support capabilities.


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