Document Type : Research Paper


Master of Political Geography, Instructor at University of Applied Sciences, Firuzabad, Fars.


Places have fundamental differences in terms of scale and natural characteristics; in a complex way, they are overlapping and interdependent. Therefore, no map of the places in the world can be drawn to show definite boundaries. There are many examples of difference in places: Sand Book (1984), about changing the spatial distribution of the industry and moving it away from interconnected urban areas - which turned out as a motivation for a full research program with general title of "Localising Program "-, explains this matter through local fabric.
Every place bounded by a border is a land whose characteristics can be clearly expressed; its boundaries can be defined - whether on the ground or on the map - these borders can be defended, and their qualities can be specified. Therefore, governments’ understanding of the locating process is important for understanding how contemporary society behaves; the economy associated with the place of the capitalist system is based on competition. The provision of the interests of every place’s inhabitants has to be largely based on opposition to the interests of the inhabitants of other places, which often require the spread of positive view of the fellow-citizens and negative opinions towards the strangers. For sustainable urban development, the characteristics of the place where the city is set or is intended to be set is of great and decisive importance. The development of urban location is one of the basic steps taken by the governments for the well-being of the people living in the city. Since humans are interdependent and not able to live, progress, and develop without communication, places of human life, whether rural or urban areas are interdependent and related to each other in a way that It is not possible for one to develop without the others; this mutual interaction of places will cause their development.
The nature of places can be summarized as follows:
1. Places are created by society.
2. Places make their own counterparts.
3. People have control over places and can change them.
4. Locations are not separate and independent from each other.
In this research, we tried to investigate the relationship between city location and sustainable urban development as well as city location’s role in urban places; the method of research is descriptive-analytic.


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