Document Type : Research Paper


Member of Faculty, Azad Islamic University of Shar-e-Ray


According to the definition of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG), the cadastre is a sorted list of information of pieces of land inside the geographic boundary of a country or a region that starts with mapping of limits of pieces of land. Furthermore, other required specifications such as property rights, land use, size and value are attached to the large scale map of the pieces and are officially recorded. Today, the advancement of informatics science in general and geomatics in particular, have transformed the old systems of cadastre and the role of surveyors in them.
Accordingly, in this paper the modified version of old cadastre system named Cadastre 2014 and the role of surveyors in this new system are defined.

- مقالات مربوط به کاداستر در همایش‏هاى FIG
- سخنرانى جناب آقاى دکتر رجبى فرد در همایش دو روزه کاداستر در هتل لاله تهران در سال 1384