Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D. of Climatology, University of Isfahan


Throughout history and throughout the centuries, humans and other living organisms have adapted to the climate and environmental conditions of their residence. However, existing estimates indicate that the consequences of climate change and its effects on the environment are noteworthy. Atmosphere pollutants, acid rain, etc., affect the habitats of the planet, and sometimes leads to the extinction of biological species. The decrease in the ozone layer and increase in the Ultra Violet rays play effective roles in damage to plants and animals and the development of diseases. In addition to all of these, the factors created by natural disasters caused by atmospheres, such as cyclones of tropical regions, droughts, colds, floods, abnormal monsoons and severe El Ninos also affect the biosphere. Climate change occurs in various forms in natural systems: changes in wet and dry areas, hot and cold areas, increase and acceleration of climatic cycles (monsoons, El Niño, droughts, etc.)…, and this changes in turn lead to changes in the biological cycle, which, although not all of these changes are in a negative direction (such as increasing the plant's yield versus increasing the CO2 content of the atmosphere), it nevertheless disturbs the equilibrium in the ecosystems, which cause chaos in it, such as uncontrolled precipitation that increases weeds that dominate the ecosystem and destroy other species.

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