
Member of Faculty, Azad Islamic University of Larestan


As long as rural development planning is not aligned with other projects of regional planning taking place in rural areas, it can not be very effective, because rural development planning inherently influences the region's economy and its prospects. On the other hand, in the process of planning for rural development, the recognition of the structural characteristics of the levels of development and awareness of the potential and environmental abilities of each region is of great importance. In the present study, using 23 indicators and variables required to recognize rural development, various economic, social and service grounds have been identified and analyzed using Morris model. The results of the study show that there are many differences in levels of development, and if this trend continues, it is necessary to lessen the inequalities through the implementation of useful rural development plans. The result of the research also show that the level of development of rural areas is not homogenous and villages are in a low level in terms of development; therefore, it is desirable that rural development planners focus their attention more on increasing dimensions of development.


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