Document Type : Research Paper


1 Member of Faculty, University of Tehran

2 Graduate Student of Geography and Urban Planning


Given that cities are carriers of culture, derived from nature and reflecting the spectrum of our social goals, technology, values ​​and institutions, they are considered as significant subjects of study for cultural geographers as they provide the scholar with a deep insight into human mosaics. City is considered a cultural phenomenon and therefore it should be viewed from the point of view of cultural geography. Cultural geography, which is considered by some thinkers as including social and economic geography, is a worthwhile view that can help examine some of the social, economic and physical qualities and effects of the city. Cultural geography covers the study of spatial changes of cultural groups and spatial functions of society, and relies on description and analysis of differences and similarities in language, religion, economics, government and other cultural phenomena from place to place. Given that cultures are formed by human groups, cultural geography, therefore, necessarily involves humans in aggregate. In this paper, we try to investigate the internal structure of city with emphasis on some of the well-known concepts of cultural geography perspective, such as urban cultural areas, cultural broadcasting and cultural perspective of the city.

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