Document Type : Research Paper


1 Member of Faculty, Department of Geography, University of Tehran

2 Graduate Student of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tehran


Postmodernism has been interpreted as a broader concept than modernity, and it is the offspring of modernism. The era of modernism, which was based on trust to human intellect and did not accept a world beyond reason, was influenced by philosophers such as Hegel, Kant, Rene Descartes, and before that, Francis Bacon, which caused profound changes in various areas of human life, and perhaps it was only in this period that mankind reached full self-confidence and considered itself to be ruler over its own destiny. But modernism, as it originally seemed to have succeeded, had major effects on crises such as the first and second World Wars and the racial, gender and environmental crises in the twentieth century. These factors led the philosophers and thinkers of the second half of the 20th century to doubt the wisdom of pure reason, and those like Karl Raymond Popper believe that rationalism must itself be criticized. Therefore, a period in the name of postmodernism has come to the fore which has had profound effects in various scientific and artistic fields. In this paper, we have tried to understand the concepts and definitions of modernism and postmodernism to the extent possible, and to analyze the similarities and differences between them and the impacts that each period have had on different urban areas, both physical and non-physical.


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