Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor at Imam Hossein University


All the universe apart from the objects and phenomena within it is called Space. The Earth, atmosphere, celestial bodies, the Milky Way and other galaxies are within space. Many physicists have divided space into two parts:
(A) The near space that lies within a distance of eighty kilometers from the Earth and stretches to areas near the moon's surface. The space around the Earth is called the inner space, which is a complex region, and the physical characteristics, effective geographic factors and points of interest in the space military planning were presented through the last three papers (parts nineteen, twenty and twenty one) under the following three categories:
- Intermediate levels of air – space;
- Near space or environmental space of the earth;
- The moon and the space around it.
(B) The outer space or the distant space which is extremely vast and in which planets and moons move, and which the Earth has no effects on. The outer space sometimes extends to the space between galaxies.
In this paper, the outer (distant) space has been of interest, which is very distinct from the near space. Coverage of outer (distant) space is very wide and there are vast opportunities for maneuvering. Here, some discussions on how to select the orbit and the position in space as well as the performance of different weapons are presented.

1-Collins John M:Military Geography Braseys, Washington, 1998.