Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor at University of Isfahan

2 Ph.D. Student of Urban Planning


Today quality of human life is unstable, therefore it is necessary to assess the quality of human environment and identify the causes of instability. This requires identifying the variables affecting the environment, achieving a method for having and assessing criteria for supervision and control of the responses that society takes to repair instabilities.
Environmental, economic, social and cultural indicators have emerged as a key tool for definition and follow-up of operations and strategies that lead to a sustainable development and analysis of the benefits and costs of development. According to these indicators such as literacy, income, poverty eradication, health, enjoyment of healthy water and air, leisure, women's participation in social, economic, cultural and environmental activities, etc., it is possible to assess the stability and instability of society, and in order to achieve sustainability, all indicators of sustainability should be considered simultaneously.
In the course of development, it is undesirable that some people grow economically and the rest remain in poverty. In addition, it is necessary that the development be in a manner that it realize social and political solidarity, coordination in practice, participation of all sectors and individuals (including women) and increase of technological productivity while avoiding ecosystem degradation.


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