Document Type : Research Paper


Member of Faculty, Department of Geography, University of Isfahan


Construction rocks and minerals have formed an important part of the world's income since long ago. The utilization of these resources is increasing day by day due to the concerns regarding beauty and strength in the construction of public and private buildings. On the other hand, a transformation occurs in urban morphology and landscape due to this ever-increasing utilization of these resources.
The land of Iran is of great value and importance among the countries of South West Asia and the Middle East owing to vast resources of construction rocks in the Alborz and Zagros mountains, the central masses and foothills whose formation started since the second period of geology and completed its evolutionary stages in the third period.
The emergence of rich construction rock masses in most parts of Iran and the existence of great roads in the north and south of the country are economically important advantages for Iran.
Historical documents and evidences show that utilization of these rocks as export commodities has been customary in Iran since ancient times. Regarding the Islamic Republic of Iran’s the strategy for economic development and its emphasis on expansion of non-oil exports, and the huge reserves of these valuable resources in different regions of the country and also the need of different countries, especially the countries around the Persian Gulf, to these resources, it is clear that such reserves have great potentials for foreign exchange earnings and economic development of the country, and thus can be considered as a valuable source for non-oil exports.
In this paper, the author attempts to use historical and descriptive methods to introduce these resources and analyze the economic-commercial value and potential of these export items in the development and progress of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


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