Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Geography, University of Payamenour, Araak


The Persian Gulf is a semi-closed sea with eight countries on its borders. Iran has the maximum length of coast and it can be said that more than half of the Persian Gulf coast belongs to our country. This beautiful aquatic zone has special natural and political conditions. The Persian Gulf has an aquatic relationship with the Indian Ocean through the Strait of Hormuz and the Oman Sea. The Persian Gulf bed is considered as totally continental shelf, which, according to the excavations, has huge hydrocarbon resources, a significant portion of which is discovered and is being extracted. The Persian Gulf states contain the largest reservoir of the world's energy resources. More than 65 percent of the world's oil and more than 38 percent of the world's gas belongs to this geopolitical area. Currently, more than 28 percent of the world's oil is currently supplied from this region. Considering the depletion of oil in other parts of the world, the importance of Persian Gulf oil will increase and its contribution to future world oil production will rise. More than 80 percent of the oil produced in the Gulf region is carried by giant oil tankers and through this aquatic area. The environment of the Persian Gulf is being destroyed by this state of affairs. There are other issues, such as change of beach physics, releasing urban and industrial sewage and removing sand which intensify the environmental degradation of the sea. Southern coastal countries are making changes in the coasts irrespective of the natural conditions of the Persian Gulf, causing further contamination as well as legal problems in the future. The expansion of the phenomenon of urbanization and population growth also cause more environmental problems for the Persian Gulf. This paper tries to describe the factors affecting the environment while describing the geographical situation of the Persian Gulf.


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