Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Isfahan


The Orient is the birthplace of civilization, and Sistan is one of the centers of culture and civilization in Southwest Asia. Sistan is also the birthplace of the national, cultural and social epics of ancient Iranian history. Sistan Plain, located in the eastern part of Iran, is the center of one of the ancient civilizations due to its special geographical position in the mouth of the Hirmand River and its branches, and the exploitation of its water resources and fertile alluvium in the light of agricultural activities and cultural functions.
 According to archaeologists' findings, in a few millennia B.C., one of the oldest urbanization and civilization models was formed in the burnt city of Sistan, more ancient than the Sumerian civilization. The Sistan province, thanks to its geographic location, has since the dawn of history enjoyed such an economic enrichment that has won for it the title of "Asia's Granary."
 In this paper, which is prepared by methods of secondary and analytical research, the researcher has tried to determine the antiquity, status, the real face of historical geography, economic, cultural and social role of Sistan among the civilizations of Southeast Asia through collecting and analyzing historical and geographical documents.

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