Document Type : Research Paper


Member of Faculty, Department of Cartography, Islamic Azad University


Digital models of the Earth and satellite information through structural analysis of the Earth lead us to a new understanding of the relationship between volcano and the science of formation of the earth. A DTM was presented from the Mount Erciyes (3917m high), which is on the scale of 10 meters with transverse and longitudinal sections and with an area of about 3800 km2. The ETM satellite data is used to identify the morphological characteristics of the Erciyes mountain range. These observations and analyses are capable of analyzing, measuring and monitoring the behavior of the Earth's layers using the DTM satellite data. To make use of both RST and DTM simultaneously provides a new perspective for understanding the morphological characteristics of mountains and volcanoes in the Earth sciences. A 3D image of Mount Erciyes not only played a role in identifying its volcanic formation characteristics, but also in determining the location of the volcanic behavior. Several maps were provided using DTM at different slope levels. The morphological characteristics of the Erciyes volcano mountain include glacial masses and linear land marks, which are discussed separately in this paper using both RES and DTM methods.


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