Document Type : Research Paper


PhD Student of Geography


The presented findings in this study are in their current state not based on the findings of numerous experiments and long and necessary experience, but rather based on my experience and judgment during the preparation of comprehensive plans in the cities of Mianeh, Miandoab, Masjid Soleiman and Ardebil. Therefore, it is hoped to be gradually supplemented by more technical data by the experts in the field. Because it must be acknowledged that the information received from the Cosmos Satellites is far more extensive than the little mentioned in this article. The method of content processing is such that it first describes the features of satellite images of COSMOS in general and the KFA-1000 in particular, under the title of "Comparison of analogue images with satellite digital images", and then the applications of these images in various fields - to the extent that the author is familiar with- are discussed, which include:

• Geomorphological studies;
• Preparation of land use maps;
• Economic Geology;
• Agricultural-rural studies;
• Preservation of natural resources;
• Separation of urban and rural areas;
• Provision of thematic maps;
• Geographic analysis;
• Providing space photomaps and mapping through photogrammetry.

1- جهت آشنایی با خصوصیات این تصاویر به فصلنامه تحقیقات جغرافیایی، شماره 2، سال چهارم، سال 1368 مراجعه شود.
2- سازمان جغرافیایی، نشریه سپهر، دوره دوم، شماره هفتم، تابستان 72.
3- سازمان جغرافیایی، نشریه سپهر، دوره دوم، شماره هشتم، بهار 72.
4- سازمان جغرافیایی، توضیحات مسئولین سنجش از دور.
5- مرکز مطالعات و تحقیقات شهرسازی و معماری ایران، نشریه آبادی، سال سوم، شماره دوازدهم، بهار 1373.
6- سازمان نقشه­برداری کشوری، نشریه نقشه­برداری، سال دوم، شماره 5، بهار 1370.
7- سازمان نقشه­برداری کشوری، نشریه نقشه­برداری، سال پنجم، شماره 1، بهار 1373.
8- گروه جغرافیای آستان قدس رضوی، فصلنامه تحقیقات  جغرافیایی، شماره 2، سال چهارم، تابستان 1368.