Document Type : Research Paper



In geographic studies, attention to the geographical position of each place, which determines its status in relation to other important centers in different political, economic, military, and cultural dimensions, as well as its mathematical position on the surface of the earth, are of special importance. The mathematical position of any place on the earth's surface is constant and does not change over the course of history, but geographic position, which is the relationship of each place with political-economic and military centers and areas, might change over time in terms of its value and importance on the earth. For example, before the American continent was discovered, and in particular, until a strong economic relationship was not yet established between the newly discovered land and the Continent of Europe, the British Islands in the northwest of Europe were remote lands that held their relationship with the important European business centers in the Mediterranean with difficulty, while after discovering America and its economic progress and establishment of its relationship with rest of the world, the world's commercial centers were transformed in terms of value and credibility, and the British Islands which were on the way of new commercial routes gained special importance.