Document Type : Research Paper



The present report is essentially a summary of a three-dimensional-display computer system
design project.
This set of computer programs take information extracted from the contour curve as input, and their output is three dimensional pictures of the region from different angles.
This project has been carried out by the Research and Self-Sufficiency Center of the Air Forces of
the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.
In the first phase of the project, only the information on a mountain, and in the second phase, information about all the terrain and mountains of a region of 100 square kilometers has been processed.
The most important features of the system are:
- Three-dimensional display of the area from desired angles;
- Radiation of light from different directions to the mountains and displaying the consequent shadows and light spots;
- Display of various natural and artificial features;
- Simulation of artillery shooting and displaying its fire zone.
The above facilities can be used to design and analyze military operations and determine the time of operation (from the point of view of being exposed to the enemy).
Using a quick method to remove hidden surfaces and lines and complexity and compression of stored information are amongst the most important advantages of this system (in terms of computer graphics).