Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Political Geography, Imam Hossein University


The Islamic World covers a wide range, extending from western Atlantic coast in South America to the western coasts of the Pacific Ocean on the Asian continent. An area that accounts for more than 22 percent of the world's drylands and includes vast sections of two continents, Asia and Africa, and small parts of the continents of Europe and America.
The latent capacities of the value-centered environment of the Islamic religion provide the context for connecting the fate of each Islamic country to other nations. The connection of the destiny of Islamic countries to each other creates relative advantages, opportunities and clear horizons for the growth, development and authority of each Islamic country. The demographic characteristics of the Islamic world are one of the most important factors enabling the achievement of unity. The population of Islamic countries is 725,015,426.1. The average relative density of population in Islamic countries is about 114 people per square kilometer. Due to climatic conditions and geographical position, the concentration of the population is almost homogenous, and most people are concentrated in wet coastal areas and fertile lands.


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